2021 gallery of landscapes

landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, purple painted edge

a good morning in mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, purple painted edge

a perfectly yukon day
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame

cirrus blue double mat & glass

a ski a day…
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" board, light blue painted edge

a skier's dream
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" board, light blue painted edge

a summer of hiking
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, mahogany trim

a taste of the yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  1.4" x 2.5" (x5)
framed size:  15" x 9"
black metal frame

white blackcore double mat & glass


agua pura
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 6"
framed size:  2" x 6"
mounted on 1/2" plywood board, dark green edge

alpine trails
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, walnut trim

amis dans les montagnes
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  6" x 3"
framed size:  6" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, douglas fir trim

another day dawns
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, mahogany trim

another perfect yukon evening
landscape, polymer clay, rocks
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, walnut trim

au grand air
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame

brite white double mat & glass

autumn hills
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  9" x 10.5"
silver metal frame

art brown double mat & glass

avens abound
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, mahogany trim

backyard tracks
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 5/8" board, grey painted edge

basking in the glow
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, beech trim

beautiful days in beautiful places
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 6.7"
framed size:  11" x 14"
silver metal frame
, cirrus blue double mat & glass

c'est beau la vie
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame

brite white double mat & glass

classic whitepass
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" board, light blue painted edge

Bean North Cafe, $75

climb every mountain
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
silver metal frame
, silver grey double mat & glass

crisp, cool yukon scene
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, cream painted edge

dans les montagnes
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, maple trim

delightful days
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  11" x 13"
black metal frame
bluestone blackcore double mat & glass

Lara's Studio, $275

don't stop dreaming
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" board, purple painted edge


down by the lake
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
silver metal frame
, cirrus blue double mat & glass

dreaming of mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  11" x 13"
black metal frame

cirrus blue double mat & glass

every ski's a good ski
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, mahogany trim

explore everything
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame

bluestone blackcore double mat & glass

favourite places
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, mahogany trim

favourite winter days
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, birch trim

find the light
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, beech trim

flowers, flowers, everywhere
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  5.3" x 3.5"
framed size:  5.3" x 3.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, green painted edge


fresh air with friends
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  9" x 10.5"
silver metal frame

cirrus blue double mat & glass

fresh alpine air
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, fir trim

fresh winter air
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame
, cirrus blue double mat & glass

friendship and mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, maple trim

full moon magic
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame

pacific blue double mat & glass

glacial pools in paradise
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, teal painted edge

glorious days in golden meadows
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4" x 6"
framed size:  4" x 6"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, light green edge

glow of contentment
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, fir trim

golden days in golden hills
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, walnut trim

golden hills & glacial lakes
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, douglas fir trim

goodnight beautiful mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, birch trim

hiking at sunset
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, walnut trim

hiking heals
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, maple trim

hiking in sunshine
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  9" x 10.5"
silver metal frame
, green double mat & glass

holiday retreat
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame

white blackcore double mat & glass

home, where I want to roam
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, black painted painted edge

how sweet it is…
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 1/2" board, teal blue painted painted edge

in awe of aurora
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 8"
framed size:  2" x 8"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, brown edge

in the land of fireweed
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  10.5" x 9"
black metal frame
, silver grey double mat & glass

j'aime le yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  10.5" x 9"
silver metal frame

bluestone blackcore double mat & glass

Lara's Studio, $220

just look around you!
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" round
framed size:  4.5" round
mounted on 3/4" board, blue painted painted edge

kluane sunrise
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  10.5" x 9"
black metal frame

ivory double mat & glass

la nature est la plus belle
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" board, dark purple painted edge


lake time
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame

sparkling white blackcore double mat & glass

les quartre saisons
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  1.4" x 2.5" (x4)
framed size:  13" x 9"
black metal frame
brite white double mat & glass

life is better when hiking
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, maple trim

local charm
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame
, white blackcore double mat & glass

magic in the skies
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  6" x 3"
framed size:  14" x 11"
black wood frame

lichen blackcore double mat & glass

magical moonlit mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, blue edge

make memories in mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, dark green painted edge

meanwhile in summer
landscape, polymer clay, rocks
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  11" x 13"
black shadowbox metal frame

celery yellow double mat & glass

meanwhile, in yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, navy blue painted edge

landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame
, brite white double mat & glass

moonlight in the backcountry
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame

cirrus blue double mat & glass

moonlight on the marge
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
silver metal fram
e, brite white double mat & glass

mountain mirage
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, birch trim

mountain sanctuary
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" board, dark green painted edge


mountain u-pick
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, walnut trim

mountains + flowers = joy
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, purple painted edge

mountains are magical
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  9" x 10.5"
black metal frame

bluestone blackcore double mat & glass

mountains beckon, rivers call
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, maple trim

mountains, by moonlight
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, teal painted edge

my fair yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
silver metal frame
, cirrus blue double mat & glass

my favourite mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame

brite white double mat & glass

my therapy
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame

celery yellow double mat & glass

my yukon home
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame

naturally yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, douglas fir trim

officially, the yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 6"
framed size:  3" x 6"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, maple trim

on cloud nine
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame

crystal white double mat & glass

peaceful places
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame
oatmeal blackcore double mat & glass

peaceful yukon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, dark green edge

peaks and valleys
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  6" x 3"
framed size:  6" x 3"
mounted on 1/2" board, dark green painted edge

power of the sun
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, mahogany trim

pure joy
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, maple trim

randonneé en soleillée
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame
, white blackcore double mat & glass

respirer le jour
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, mahogany trim

ski season's here
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" board, purple painted edge

soft summer days
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, birch trim

soleil, every day
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, maple trim

solo en las montañas
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, birch trim

summer dream
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" plywood board, green painted edge

sunny days of september
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, beech trim

sunny spring skis
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, birch trim

sunshine and mountain magic
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" board, lime green painted edge


sweet days
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame
lavender double mat & glass

sweet trails
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" board, light blue painted edge

the four seasons
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  1.4" x 2.5" (x4)
framed size:  13" x 9"
silver metal frame
cirrus blue double mat & glass

the glow of a winter moon
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4" x 6"
framed size:  4" x 6"
mounted on 3/4" board, maple trim


the scents of spring
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame
, crystal white double mat & glass

Bullet Hole Bagels, $120

the wild life
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 2"
framed size:  6" x 5"
black metal frame

maroon double mat & glass

the yukon in bloom
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, dark purple painted edge

the yukon, by moonlight
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, grey painted edge

together in mountains
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, light blue edge

two in canoe
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame

blue blackcore double mat & glass

une petite nuit
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 4"
framed size:  2" x 4"
mounted on 1/2" plywood board, teal painted edge

wake up and go hiking
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  9" x 10.5"
black metal frame

ivory double mat & glass

warmth and beauty
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" board, mahogany trim

Bean North Cafe, $90

where hikers roam…
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, oak trim

white pass magic
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
black metal frame
, cirrus blue double mat & glass

wonderful winter
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame
, lavender double mat & glass

yukon dreamscape
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" x 3"
framed size:  4.5" x 3"
mounted on 3/4" board, dark grey painted edge

yukon highlights
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  1.4" x 2.5" (x5)
framed size:  15" x 9"
silver metal frame

crystal white double mat & glass

yukon life
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  2" x 3"
framed size:  5" x 6"
silver metal frame
, crystal white double mat & glass

yukon mountain air
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  4.5" round
framed size:  4.5" round
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, teal blue edge

yukon mountain time
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, oak trim

yukon skies forever
landscape, polymer clay, rocks
art size:  3" x 4.5"
framed size:  3" x 4.5"
mounted on 3/4" plywood board, teal blue edge

yukon valleys
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  6" x 4"
framed size:  6" x 4"
mounted on 3/4" board, mahogany trim


yukon, my home
landscape, polymer clay
art size:  3.5" x 5.3"
framed size:  3.5" x 5.3"
mounted on 3/4" board, dark green painted edge